Agenda do mês de setembro do Palácio da Cultura Ildo Lobo

Palácio da Cultura Ildo Lobo Partilhamos a agenda cultural do mês de setembro do Palácio da Cultura Ildo Lobo, com as atividades programadas.
Our Community
ADVERTISING WORKS! Massachusetts and Rhode Island – the meca of Cabo-verdean and Portuguese speaking community! Since the fourteen hundreds Caboverdeans have had a presence in the United States under the […]
Coverage Area
ADVERTISING WORKS! Coverage Area International was founded in the year 2000 as a virtual community for cabo-verdeans to meet, chat and shop. The website has served our worldwide community […]
Services Offering
ADVERTISING WORKS! The Portuguese speaking communities comprise the second largest ethnic group in Massachusetts and the largest in Rhode Island, accounting for more than 1 million people. Furthermore, Portuguese is […]
Services Overview
ADVERTISING WORKS! is open 24 hours a day to the worldwide bilingual travelers and Portuguese speaking community. Besides research and information, it’s an active reservation and booking portal for […]
Advertising Works
ADVERTISING WORKS! is a tourism & transportation virtual portal connecting the islands of Cabo Verde and the community of Portuguese speaking language of USA and the world. The best […]