
Island of Brava

Brava is the smallest of the Cabo Verde islands with the exception of the uninhabited Santa Luzia. lt is very mountainous with deep and abrupt valleys contrast. The coastline is very rugged, forming many bays such as the spectacular Faja dAgua. Due to its altitude, Brava is the dampest and greenest of all the islands and because of its abundance of flowers it is known as ilha das flores (“the island of flowers”). The median temperature oscillates between 16 and 26°C. The island of Brava is located in the extreme southwest of the Leeward (Sotavento) group of the archipelago.

Visiting the island

Smallness, beauty and color have never blended in such a harmonious manner as in this island. With a mere 64 km and an everlasting and characteristic fog, this is the island known for beautiful women and birthplace of the author of the Creole mornas – the poet Eugenio Tavares. When visiting the island, its main attraction Nova Sintra:

  • Is considered the most beautiful city in the archipelago;
  • A city of marvelous houses with flowered gardens that delight the visitor.
  • Nova Sintra was the name chosen since it is similar to its Portuguese homonymous.
  • The Eugenio Tavares central square is the perfect example of how the beauty of nature embellishes the city.
  • It’s a never-ending party as the streets of Nova Sintra are always decorated with an infinite variety of flowers and trees.

Other interesting places to visit on the island are:

  • Furna, a traditional fishing village and the islands port.
  • The access to Furna used to be made through a very peculiar road.
  • Today, the road is fully paved for a pleasant ride that garnished exactly 99 turns.
  • The 99 turns is composed by surrounding landscape and successive views of the majestic volcano of the island of Fogo that rock the visitor with a mix of contemplation and relaxation.
  • Village of Fonte do Vinagre (vinegar fountain) as the name indicates, a spring from which streams water with a very acid taste.
  • Its taste and medicinal characteristics derive from a soil where a massive vein of metal is believed to exist.
  • Being the water used by the local populations, its effectiveness in weakening tooth calcium is noticeable.
  • Today however, with the disappearance of the water stream, the village is a ghost town and worthy of a visit.
  • Faja d’Agua, a green area that contrasts with the blueness of the sea, is a bay known for harboring boats during storms.
  • With unparalleled conditions for sport fishing, it was here that American whalers used to seek refuge.
  • Faja d’Agua was the onset to the beginning of the almost exclusive immigration to the United States of America.

Generally, since this is an island with a luxuriant beauty, every place visited is a guarantee of constant joy in contemplation. Apart from the most relevant places, it should also be mentioned that the most hidden parts could also bring rare moments of pleasure.

Book Your Brava Sightseeing Tours Here.
Departs Daily from Hotel Cruz Grande – 30 Euros per person/day.

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Discorver Island of Brava


Properties available

Bed and Breakfast


Single Room: €35
Double Room: €50
Owner Occupied
24h security guard
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